Her banana bread recipe is still with me. Most of my moms recipes were neatly typed on index cards, filed in a little metal box that was always in the kitchen. The well used ones, are now yellow and stained. The banana bread recipe, the only one I have used consistently in all these years, sits on my spice rack. Usually during bouts of insomnia, often during the holidays, sometimes just when i buy too many bananas, or you know, even when I'm supposed to be packing for a month long trip, I find myself in the kitchen making banana bread.
I love the stuff. I love the memories and moments it connects me to of my mother. And I love that my banana bread is damn good. I'm not uber confident about too many things, but I will own this one. This stuff rocks. Here is footage from my most recent foray into the goodness bananas make. Incidentally, I made this one, as I was preparing for a 5am trip to the airport.
In case you are wondering, it makes great airplane food.

This my friend Lucky charms. I consider this my banana bread "awesomeness" testimonial :)