Sunday, November 1, 2009

banana bread....

When I was in university, my mother would send my father with boxes of care packages. As my father would bring in the box, there would almost always be a collection of my friends hovering around to see what my mom had cooked for us. Its funny, when I lived at home, my mom barely cooked, but when I moved away, she sent food almost weekly, and not just for me, usually for a collection of 8-10 people who she "adopted" along the way. One of the treats she sent was her famous banana bread. This stuff was awesome. She would almost always send two loaves and it was usually gone within 5 minutes of the package being unwrapped.

Her banana bread recipe is still with me. Most of my moms recipes were neatly typed on index cards, filed in a little metal box that was always in the kitchen. The well used ones, are now yellow and stained. The banana bread recipe, the only one I have used consistently in all these years, sits on my spice rack. Usually during bouts of insomnia, often during the holidays, sometimes just when i buy too many bananas, or you know, even when I'm supposed to be packing for a month long trip, I find myself in the kitchen making banana bread.

I love the stuff. I love the memories and moments it connects me to of my mother. And I love that my banana bread is damn good. I'm not uber confident about too many things, but I will own this one. This stuff rocks. Here is footage from my most recent foray into the goodness bananas make. Incidentally, I made this one, as I was preparing for a 5am trip to the airport.
In case you are wondering, it makes great airplane food.

This my friend Lucky charms. I consider this my banana bread "awesomeness" testimonial :)


  1. It's true. It's all true.
    I can still taste it. It was soft, warm and oh so yummy. I ate one piece. And then another. And most likely another. I even cleaned up the crumbs, that's how tasty it was.
    And on the plane, when it was time to open up the airline's on-board menu, I reached into my bag instead and pulled out my neatly-packaged bag of goodness: your awesome banana bread.
    This one's going down in the books. Your mom would be proud.

  2. It also makes great help-with-moving food and can infuse life into even the deadest of moving helpers! Again, its all true and documented! ;)

  3. Btw, can you post the recipe please? I have a big batch of bananas slowly (but surely) going bad in my kitchen and rather than just throwing them away, this would be the much better option!
