Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The weekend of parking absurdities

I had a morning appointment with a friend and like usual I was running late, so I drove. I parked on the street in trendy borough swimming with yuppies and upscale stores. For the most part, I don't venture here, and prefer not to drive in this area, particularly on the weekends, because there are too many people and parking is always expensive and a hassle.

Turns out, if you park on the street here, there is a 3 hour limit. I don't know if its just the neighborhood or this could be a city by-law, I don't know, but its a pain having to run back to the meter to feed another $2 a hour into the machine. When I arrived, I paid for the maximum time of 3 hours. When I returned, 3 hours and 5 minutes after I paid, I arrived to find a bright yellow ticket on my car. The ticket was issued exactly five minutes after my parking stub expired. Oh Crap.

I go to dinner in the same neighbourhood. You'd think I would have learned.
This time, I'm even that more deviant. I park 30 minutes past the meter. Daring, I know. Who would think that I would get 2 tickets in 2 days? Clearly, not me.

I am rewarded with another bright yellow ticket. Double Crap.

So here's the kicker....each of these tickets came with a $30 bill. Which when you do the math on each ticket, works out to 15 times what I paid for one hour of parking.
Are you kidding me?

Am I the only one who thinks this is absurd?

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