Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Perhaps it is the season.
Perhaps I am becoming more observant.
Perhaps humanity is just becoming cooler.
Whatever it was, this is the convergence of beauty that I witnessed today on the subway.
A man walked on the car with 2 young daughters. Two people got up to move to allow the children a seat with their father.
A elderly man walked on the car, which was packed. He was having difficulty standing and had no where to hold on. A woman sitting about four feet away had a procession of people try to get his attention to offer him her seat.
An old woman entered the train, and then another young woman with a collection of packages. People got up promptly to give them seats.

The only explanation I have is that
I enjoy when kindness is just...present. Not a revolutionary act that we are suprised about, but something that seems as normal as breathing.

1 comment:

  1. Funny, just had a speech on kindness at Toastmasters last night!
    It's a beautiful world after all.

    PS: Love your new background btw.
